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About this blog

A blog about all kinds of things!!

Greetings and welcome to the Classic Zcar Club BLOG area. We have set aside this area for members who wish to host their own private Z-blog. The idea is this area will be to write articles, show build-updates, and other items related to your own projects. Think of a blog as a "journal" of your adventure. While the blog can be used to create discussions, we encourage everyone to post 2-way conversations in our Forums. Enjoy your own personal blog and please feel free to jump up onto your own
  • Mike
Just wanted to share some photos of my Z over the years... This photo is just after I bought and rebuilt the engine.  I drove it around through college.  At the time, I purchased the car from a family friend who was storing the car in his garage.  Purchased for $500 with a frozen engine block, bad head gasket, and seized brakes. After a few years, and the first split with my ex, I decided to 'man-up' and start taking the car apart.  I spent the next several years sand blasting, wi
  • Mike
This is an entry from my old journal before turning off that module. My Z Created this as a backup to my for sale ad, removed when I finished the project. The bad thing about having a "new" restoration like this is the old parts. It's soo hard to put an old part next to a new part. While I have all of the old stuff around, there are things that you'll want to replace with new or rebuilt. The two engines should be rebuilt. While I took out the operational L24 and set it aside, it was nearly 10 y
  • Mike

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