I didn't drive the my Z much in the last two months. The temperatures were very hot (90+) and my stone driveway fell into disrepair due to years of wear-n-tear and a large storm in late July that washed away most of the stone leaving a very dusty driveway. My driveway is 1/4-mile long, so this was a big deal to me.
I spent the month of August deciding what to do with the driveway and I decided to resurface it with a combination of asphalt in the critical areas that washout (like hills and turns) and I used recycled millings on the flat straight sections.
After having a stone/dust driveway for 15 years, I now have a nice clean driveway. Now that its September and the temperatures are pleasant, I plan to drive the Z a bit more often.
My wife thinks I put so much money into the driveway just for the Z. She'd be right.
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