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My 1971 240Z had a Jacobs Energy Pak in it when I bought it. A couple of days ago, it died and wouldn't start. Apparently the switch for "Computer" or "Conv Ign" has lived it's full life; there are 3 large cracks in the top of the switch and it kind of crunches when switching from one position to the other.

Anyway, I decided to remove the Jacobs and install a Petronix or something.

While doing this. I discovered that my L24 does not have the stock distributor. It has a D6K82-01, which I believe is from a later model (1983?) 280ZX. The module LOOKS like an E12-92 in that it has 4 terminals, 2 on top and 2 on the side. I cannot locate anything saying it is an E12-92, just IGM-08 and nothing identifying it as a Nissan or Datsun part.


Can someone tell me what year/years and models used the D6K82-01 distributor?

Any idea what module I have?

What was the Jacobs Energy Pak good for?

The car starts and runs fine afer wiring the distributor and bypassing the ballast resistor (Well, at least after I reconnected the coil to distributor wire when it wouldn't start!). I have had it up to about 75mph with no problems, and acceleration seems fine with no hint of pre ignition and good acceleration; I thought this would be a problem if I have an E12-92 or aftermarket equivalent module


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