Most experts now saw that the old 3,000 mile guideline for oil changes is over-kill. However, none will debate that normal oil changes are still of probably the most essential ways to keep your automobile running for as long as possible. However, many people think they have to take it to an expert. In reality, it's a fairly easy job, and could be done a lot more cheaply at home. Article source: Changing oil is not rocket science
First step
You are likely to have to make sure you've the right tools for the task. This includes having a replacement oil filter, wheel chocks, rags and a tub to catch the old oil. You will most likely need about four to five quarts of the new oil for those who have a typical automobile. You will need eight if you have a V8 or pickup truck. Make sure you do not forget your tools either. You will need a jack, a socket wrench, an oil filter wrench and a funnel for putting the oil in the automobile.
Lift the car up
Let your vehicle run for about five minutes before getting to work. Warm oil is much more cooperative than cold oil. Park on a flat surface and jack up your automobile. Make sure to block the elevated end of the vehicle and chock the back wheels. Or, for those who have them, elevate the automobile with ramps.
Now pop the hood. Open the oil filler cap to obtain air flowing in the system.
Drain the oil
You will let out all the old oil now. The very best way to do this is to acquire under the automobile with your drain pan. You will find the drain plug by looking at your manual or by looking online for specific make and model. You will need to loosen the plug by using a socket wrench. Since the oil may be hot after having the car on, be careful not to acquire any on you, and make sure it all drains into the pan. The plug can get put back in after that with your fingers and then the wrench. Over tightening it can be an issue, so keep away from that.
Next step is the filter
One fact to remember before replacing the oil filter is that you need to put some brand new oil on the brand new gasket to make sure it will seal tightly. Don’t seal it too tight either; that could cause problems. First you need to look on the side of the motor, or someplace else dependent upon what your manual states, for the oil filter. By using the oil filter wrench, you can loosen the oil filter. Do this by turning it counterclockwise. You will remove the oil filter and put the brand new filter in. Screw in the brand new filter.
The very last thing to do
Next you will put in the funnel, poor the oil into the automobile and replace the filler cap. You will want to check the dipstick to see what the level is at. It will work best if you run the automobile for a minute after you are done to make sure everything looks good.
It isn’t so bad to do yourself, unless you don’t have any extra time on your hands. Before you let yourself be done, make sure you take the old oil someplace where they can get rid of it in an environmentally friendly way. Call around and you should be able to find someplace to take it for free
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