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Greetings and welcome to the Classic Zcar Club BLOG area. We have set aside this area for members who wish to host their own private Z-blog. The idea is this area will be to write articles, show build-updates, and other items related to your own projects. Think of a blog as a "journal" of your adventure. While the blog can be used to create discussions, we encourage everyone to post 2-way conversations in our Forums.

Enjoy your own personal blog and please feel free to jump up onto your own personal soap-box and share. It's a way for you to express your opinions and ideas about your Z. I'm sure there are others who will enjoy your technical write-ups and progress photos... :)

-- Mike

PS: We will be cleaning out simple questions and non-blog-related items.


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My first comment since joining last April.  I would like to share some of my experiences  owning my Z if I may.  I have owned Christine (her nickname)  since 1978 and she currently has 176,898 miles under her hood.  She is in better health than I am, however I'm pushing 85 1/2 years  so she does have an advantage.  During the 38 years I have owned her the only mechanical failure has been a water pump which I replaced about 25 years ago.  In the process of removing the old pump one of the bolts snapped off inside the head.  I installed the new pump minus that one bolt and the pump has never leaked. Within the last two years I had the brake system rebuilt as well as the A/C which still uses R=12 and works great.  She still wears her original white paint job and red interior.  I replaced the orighinal radio for a stereo/CD unit and recovered the seats.  Everything else is original including the dashcover.  She has never slept outside except on a trip to Canada.  I have owned many automobiles  in my lifetime, but never an automobile as reliable, beautiful and fun to drive as Christine.  How she got her name?  About 15 years ago (yeah its been that long) I took her in for a tuneup and valve adjustment.  I was so impressed how she was running I couldn;t wait to get home so I could have my late wife drive her.  I backed her in the garage and asked Shirley to come out for a test drive.  She was never enamored of the car because she felt the Z was pretty fragile in the event of an accident.  I finally got her to come  out and the last thing she said before she got in the car was "i  really don't  want to drive your stupid car!"  I half kiddingly told her to be careful with her language because car's have feelings too.  Well, she proceeds to turn on the ignition and  the car gives off  the loudest  backfire which just reverberated throughout the garage.  Shirley had a white knuckle grip on the steering wheel.  She finally let go and bolted out of the car.  I got into no small amount of hot water laughing at what had just occurred.  She never drove the car after that day and we never spoke of the incident after that day.  Christine had never backfired before that day nor has she since.  God's truth.  From that day on we referred to her as Christine after Stephen King's novel of the same name.

Like i am sure all of you,  I love my Z.  Not only for the precious memories but also because I think they are special automobiles from both a design and well as a mechanical aspect.  Thanks for listening.

John Petkovich

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