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1975 280z

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1975 280z

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  • $20,000 FOR SALE
  • Offered by: Linda V
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  • Quantity 1
Chandler, Arizona United States
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1975 Datsun 280Z

My 280z is in good condition. See photos attached, I have lots more but best to see it in person. Photos of service booklet with original owner's name, address, etc. in it. I am the second owner current mileage shows 53,000 +. However odometer has turned over at least once, been driven cross country twice so has some miles on it...

I've had it for over thirty years and was my everyday car while I lived in California some twenty years ago. After that had some restoration work done when we lived in Virginia, interior and exterior. Complete strip down of paint and repainted.. it has been some time since all that though, ten plus years. It has a few unique features but otherwise has been kept stock as it was when new.  I have maintenance and service records and will give to the buyer if they want them, including maintenance manuals I’ve used over the years since I bought it, Two Chiltons 6932, 6960 and a Haynes 206. Last couple years had the master cylinder replaced, brakes. Changed out the bushings inside the shifter stick and the boot. Replaced a lot of the gas lines.. New radiator and water pump. Adjusted the valves, tune-up. Nothing major. My car is in good condition but does need some work. So it is not a show car or anything.

Someone asked about paint: it is not the original paint. When I bought it, it was painted red. I had it painted a darker red. The original booklet that came with it states the original color was: '214 Cocoa Brown' Body was in good condition no accidents while I have owned it, just maybe a ding here and there some rust starting in tray of back hatch.

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