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1975 Datsun "Rotsun" 280z

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1975 Datsun "Rotsun" 280z

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  • $14,500 FOR SALE
  • Offered by: Barefootdan
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  • Specs

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Phoenix, Arizona United States
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1975 Datsun 280z

Started as a "Rotsun" build, only three rust spots remain, all fairly small and in easy locations, pics attached. Floorplan rust removed and resealed.

Engine was built with flat top pistons, N42 head that was rebuilt, new timing chain, bearings, rings, etc. 6-2 headers and Z story exhaust.
Triple Mikuni PH44 carbs tuned with a wideband gauge. Starts and runs excellently.

5 speed swap from the 280zx. New clutch and resurfaced flywheel.

All rubbers have been replaced including fuel lines, coolant lines, and full poly bushings. Aluminum radiator with dual fans. New fuel pump and cleaned up fuel tank.

Koni Yellow struts with Zcar springs. Konig wheels with Toyo R888R tires. Apex engineering rear control arms. Skillard door cards and trim bits.

Engine wiring harness fully redone with a new fuse box. Interior has new carpet, new dash cover, Sparco Sprint seats and Sparco mounts, OMP harnesses, T3 Tuning Harness bar. 

Open for trades as well. 

Recently ran this at an HPDE event to shake down. Passed NASA inspection and had no issues other than minor annoyances fixed at the track during 4 sessions.

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