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1973 240z off fresh 2.8L build, SoCal Car & Head Turner

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1973 240z off fresh 2.8L build, SoCal Car & Head Turner

   (0 reviews)
  • $22,333 FOR SALE
  • Offered by: luxetz
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  • Specs

  • Item Condition USED
  • Quantity 1
Chester Springs, Pennsylvania United States
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1 Question
0 Reviews


Time to sell my 1973 240z-  that I brought from Southern California to Pennsylvania 15 years ago.  Since that time the Z has been kept in a garage and only driven during Spring, Summer and Fall.   She's a head turner of a vehicle- Looks fantastic from 10 feet away.  Up close, you'll notice some chips (filled and polished) and cosmetic blemishes, but mechanically this is a rock solid car.  Freshly rebuilt engine with less than 500 miles on it.  The Enkei wheels really set off the elegant lines of the 240z.  

    Outside of a concours restoration, you won't fine a cleaner engine bay.  I'm an engineer by profession and I saw to only the highest quality parts were used in every facet of the restoration.  Documentation available for the mechanical work on the engine.  


I'll also include the 3 tomes that guided me through the restoration: Haynes, Chilton's, and "How to Rebuild Your Nissan & Datsun OHC Engine" by Tom Monroe.  


Why am I letting this cherry go?  Well, my wife says I can only have one project car at a time, so after 15 years, it's time for this Z to plaster a smile on someone else's face.  


FYI, this vehicle was previously listed, but I pulled it down so I could use it for a promotional event at my company.  Now it's back on the market!


Details on upgrades and parts:

P79 Cylinder Head from California Datsun,  See their product here (
https://www.ebay.com/itm/Datsun-Z-240Z-260Z-280Z-ZX-Rebuilt-P79-Engine-Motor-Cylinder-Head-OEM-/153478322664?hash=item23bc0559e8)  Work as follows:

1. Complete disassemble, Inspection and Pressure test
2. Re-Surface Intake Gasket Side, Head Gasket Side 
3. 3 Angle Valve Job on Seats, 45 Degree on Valves
4. Cleaned , Inspected and Polished Rocker Arms
5. Cleaned,  Inspected and Installed OEM stock Springs, Retainers and Lash Pads
6. Cleaned, Inspected and Polished Camshaft.
7. Full Set of new Valve Seals Installed. 
8. All threads cleaned and repaired as needed
9. New Freeze Plug, Painted and Full Reassembly with Valve Adjustment (future adjustment needed after start up)


F54 Engine Block

  • Hot Tank Cleaning, 
  • Magnaflux, 
  • Resurface Deck, 
  • Rebore and Hone
  • New +0.5mm Pistons, 
  • Fresh Paint, 
  • New OEM rings
  • New Water Pump
  • New Oil Pump
  • New Timing Chain and Guides
  • Every Seal replaced
  • New Freeze Plugs.  

Other Upgrades and Restoration Work:

  • 4 piston Front Disc Brakes (1989 Toyota 4X4)
  • Wilwood Master Cylinder
  • K&N Air Filter
  • Fully Rebuilt Z-Therapy “Round Top” SU Carbs
  • New Door Panels
  • Replaced Dashboard
  • Enkei Wheels
  • New Centerforce Clutch
  • 1979 Electronic Distributor
  • 5 Speed Transmission
  • New Front Seats
  • 3 row aluminum radiator
  • Electric Fan
  • Electric Fuel Pump
  • Reconditioned Fuel tank and replaced evaporative system hoses
  • 6-1 Ceramic Powder Coated Headers
  • Polished Intake Manifold with Euro Style Balance Tube (Polished and Painted)
  • Inertial Safety Switch
  • And much more!


Recommended Questions


Nice car, good luck with the sale!   I am not too far from you down here in Newtown Sq...just bought my first Z...a 73...and wondering if you did the engine work or if you have a shop that you used.  Just looking for someone who would know these cars well.

thanks, and good luck.




Howdy Jim,

  For all the hardcore machine shop work like boring, magnafluxing, hot tanking, etc, I used Stauffer's Machine Shop in Phoenixville.  The guys there are very good, but as much of their competition in the area has closed, they have become very busy.   It's a family business and I trust them, so if it's not too far for you, I highly recommend them.  For the assembly work, I did it myself.  If you follow one of the respected texts, its not technically difficult, just a matter of procedure and tools.  Since I expect my baby will sell shortly, I'd be happy to help and share my experiential knowledge.  PM me if you ever want some thoughts or an extra hand!  

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