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1973 240z Automatic

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1973 240z Automatic

   (0 reviews)
  • $16,000 FOR SALE
  • Offered by: ahgreen
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  • Quantity 1
Grangeville, Idaho United States
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I'm selling my 1973 240Z with an automatic transmission.  I've owned the car for approximately 3 years.  During my ownership, I installed a new exhaust system and headers.  New tires, brakes, struts, and bushings.  New radiator.  New plugs and wires. The car has the original engine and transmission.  Seats, dash, interior panels, all that stuff is original.  The odometer rolled over but I believe it has approximately 130,000 miles.

The car runs and drives very well.  The automatic transmission shifts smoothly and the engine runs strong.  I've been working to try to tune and balance the carbs and I think I got it dialed in. 

The car has very little rust, especially for an old Z.  But the front passenger fender well under the battery rusted and there is a hole that was clearly repaired.  There is no other significant rust.  But there is some surface rust in the spare tire compartment.  It just needs to be cleaned up.  The center console is also pretty rough.  I would replace it.  The clock and power antenna don't work. 

The previous owner did the pinstripes.  Yea, I know, it looks like something an old man would do to his '57 Chevy.  I'm not in love with it either.  I haven't tried to remove it because I didn't want to mess up the paint.

It's a great car that runs strong.  My kids are going to be sad when I sell it.  But, I need to move on.

Send me an e-mail i you are interested or want more pictures.  gree0245@gmail.com.


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