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1972 Datsun 240Z For Sale

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1972 Datsun 240Z For Sale

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  • $3,900 FOR SALE
  • Offered by: avlevin
    • (
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  • Quantity 1
Belmont, Massachusetts United States
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I am selling my 1972 Datsun 240Z as I have not had the chance to use it in the past several years and my wife is demanding the garage back. I bought the car in 2009 with 67k original miles and it currently has just over 70k original miles on it. I paid $5,900 for the car and am looking to sell it for $3,900, primarily because there will be some work needed to get it back on the road (possibly battery, tires) and I would like to be able to ship it to you before winter. The attached photos show the car in 2007 and today. (The Indianapolis Colts decals have been removed)... The car is in good condition and drives well. Both the previous (original) owner and i did not drive the car in the rain, nor did we put the car on the road between November and April...

In addition, you will get a car cover, the original steering wheel (which was replaced), and the original Owner's Manual...

I have not done this before so if you are interested and there are specific questions you want answered, please email me at avlevin@gmail.com and I will provide you a response.

Andy Levin (Belmont, MA)





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