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1972 240Z - Second Owner

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1972 240Z - Second Owner

   (0 reviews)
  • $20,000 FOR SALE
  • Offered by: John LeBlanc
    • (
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  • Specs

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  • Quantity 1
Houma, Louisiana United States
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  1972 Datsun 240z with 6 cyl and 3 speed automatic

  Odometer shows 75,326 

  VIN # HLS30967-10

  Engine: L-24 122974

  Current Louisiana Title

  First owner bought it new in 10/1972; my brother bought it from him and owned it since 4/2012

A bit of background on the car:

This car belonged to my brother who passed away suddenly in April 2019. I am the administrator of his estate. As such, I am charged with the sale of this vehicle. The car is presently garaged at my brother’s house in Houma, LA (about 60 miles south of New Orleans). My name is John and I live in Bluffton, SC. I have no personal knowledge of the car’s history other than what I found in his records.

Like many others, my brother wanted to replace/duplicate his first car, which was a 1972 Datsun 240z. Thus he sought and found another 1972 240z, which he bought from the original owner in Florida.

Papers on car:

1.    Original bill of sale from Datsun dealer in Florida in 10/72

2.    Bill of Sale for purchase of the car from the original owner in 4/2012

3.    Repair and Replacement work done on car – when I went down to Louisiana to begin to settle my brother’s estate, I was able to meet with the company responsible for the updating/restoring/repair (don’t know which term is most appropriate) done to the car between December 2012 and October 2014, I am able to document (with invoices and worksheets) a total of $33,335.97 in invoiced work done to the car. There is an additional $8,673 listed as work done but then discounted. The company owners generously provided me with copies of these invoices, then also gave me a thumb drive with approximately 200 pictures of the car taken at their shop (Road Hog LLC in Houma, LA) during this process of updating/restoring/repairing of the car. I will be glad to share this information with you if you are interested in purchasing the car.

Asking price on the car is $20,000. I have driven the car as recently as August 2019, and have a brief video of the car being driven by me. It remains presently garaged in Houma, LA.

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