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- $3,500 FOR SALE
Offered by:
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- Item Condition USED
- Quantity 1
130,400 original miles
Runs great
Well maintained and in good condition for the age of the vehicle.
Red exterior paint needs some work.
8-way adjustable sport bucket seat interior w/ factory console
A full array of factory gauges including 145MPH Speedo, 8K RPM Tach, Fuel and Temp Original 300zx Steering Wheel Air-Conditioning A/C
Upgraded AM/FM/CD Stereo.
The car is loaded with options including Power Windows, Power Adjustable Mirrors, Power Locks, Power Antenna and Cruise Control.
Factory Rack & Pinion Power Steering 4-Wheel Power Disc Brakes Original Alloy wheels with Falken Radials.
Maintenance documentation including
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