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280zx Polished Wheels

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280zx Polished Wheels

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  • $400 FOR SALE
  • Offered by: Norcal Datsun
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  • Specs

  • Item Condition USED
  • Quantity 1
Sacramento, California United States
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1 Question
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For sale is a nice set of 280zx wheels.  These are polished, and come with Z center caps and lugs for all four wheels.  They currently have Bridgestone Potenzas mounted in 205/60r15. These are 15x6. As you can see from the pictures, 3 of the 4 tires each have a little issue. One has a small nail in it, another has a staple in it, and a third has what looks like a screw in it. I didn’t know any of this until I took them off to put on new wheels. Thus, the price reflects mainly the value of the wheels. However, each tire still holds air just fine.   I would much rather prefer a local pickup.  HOWEVER, if you would like them shipped to you I can get a quote and add the shipping cost to the price of the set. Feel free to message or email me with any questions. Thanks for looking. Drive fast, take chances.  


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I’m, interested in making an offer. I’m in central Florida and have no idea what the shipping costs would be. Maybe we can work something  out if the shipping cost isn’t tooo crazy. Thanks, 

Norcal Datsun


I’ll do some shipping research and get back to you. 

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