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70/71 Hazard Switch x2

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70/71 Hazard Switch x2

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  • Ask for price WANTED
  • Offered by: Gav240z
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3 Questions
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Wondering if anyone has either 1 or 2 70/71 hazard switches for sale (as pictured)?

Will consider broken ones also..

Photo for reference.

Looking to get either 1 or 2 (need 2) but happy to find 1 at this stage.

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Just want to ad... a US type. that one has 9 contacts.. the JDM and euro version has less  (4-6 or so contacts)  just that you know.. (It has to do with the flashing brake lights on the us type switch.) why make it simple if you can make it difficult is a Dutch expression that comes to mind when i see that switch.. :confused:



AU market cars didn't come with Hazards for some reason and have a "loop back" plug in place.

The parkers switch isn't available so you leave the secondary plug disconnected and just use a flasher can to make the circuit work. I had no problems so far and used North American switches in my car.

It's funny that it seems like a luxury to have these in the car.

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Care about marking on the handles?


I have two of the ones on the right (double triangles) but only one of the other two types. 

At least in the "long lead" version. In 72 I believe they went to a shorter lead on the 6 pin plug. All of the short lead switches I have, have the markings like the one on the left (FLASH + two triangles and "look how bright I am" hash marks...;)



I prefer the early style "Flash" version if I can get it (since I've got 2 early cars a 71 and a 72). But will also consider the other style. I have a broken early switch (internal plastic spring mechanism is gone, but rest of switch is in great shape. So I can always use the later style as a donor.

Can you let me know what price you want for them? I may take all 3 if you don't have an overly ambitious price attached to them? ?


Edited by zKars
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