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"78 280 Z FOR SALE

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"78 280 Z FOR SALE

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  • $12,500 FOR SALE
  • Offered by: zeenubee
    • (
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  • Quantity 1
near asheville, North Carolina United States
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This is rust free( to the best of my knowledge and what two mechanics have said), partially restored, slightly modified, car that needs cometic and interior work to make it outstanding.  Car was purchased as HS grad gift for son in 2002...he went to Marines...car went to garage.  It has been stored since then til 2013 when an attempt to get it back on road was made...ran but would not pull itself up a hill...mechanic was not a Datsun guy, but at that time new injectors, new fuel pump, wires, plugs, filters, hoses etc were installed and car was parked inside.  In Dec 2019 took to a different mechanic...tank cleaned and sealed, low temp sensor replaced, sending unit replaced, valves adjusted...runs really good now.  See my posts for more info and pics.  Since photos were taken four new tires, new belts, coolant hoses and flush.  Brakes are like new as well as lines.  All suspension work was done by previous owner:struts, control arms, bushings, oversized stabilizer bars, tie rod ends, etc. Also headers and a larger exhaust pipe were installed. Has new battery too.  Interior work needs to be done, and yes the dash is cracked.  Needs rubber replacement.  This car has not seen one drop of rain the entire time of my ownership.  It comes with a rough "78 parts car.  It is a 5 speed conversion.  Parts car has the orig 4 speed.  My health issues (back) prevent me from continuing to work on car...deserves to be in the hands of a more able and more knowledgeable enthusiast.  Feel free to ask questions as I'm sure I've forgotten things.

Cars are in western NC.

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