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Sadly must sell - 1978 - 280z

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Sadly must sell - 1978 - 280z

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  • Offered by: gotham22
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Locust Valley, New York United States
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It’s with great sadness that I am selling my 1978 280z.  My wife and I are moving and there is no room for it at the new house.  About a year and a half ago I was simply going to change the front bushings and at that time I found major rust on the driver’s side frame rail and floor pan. Apparently a previous owner filled it with fiberglass which is why it was unknown to me.  My only option was to pull the engine to get at the rust.  The frame rail, drivers floor pan and radiator support have all been professionally repaired.  All that is left is to put the engine back in and restore the front suspension parts. With a 2 year old daughter and my work schedule I have not been able to do this.


The body is in very good condition with some minor defects.  It is racing green (not original) with a brown interior. I replaced the windshield, added 240 chrome wipers, a 240z wood steering wheel and had the non-working original radio retro fitted by Joes Classic Car radio.  The car ran great and the compression test I did before removal was even across all cylinders.  The 5 speed transmission shifts smoothly with no issues.


I stock piled some parts that I didn’t have a chance to use yet.  These will have to go to.


Parts List

Full front rubber bushings

Alternator Adjusting bar

Decal anti freeze

Decal Nihon Radiator

Decal, Vehicle Emissions

Door Seals

Egr valve and gasket

Electrical Schematics

Fuel Injector Hose Clamps

Fuel Line

Heat Connector

Inspection bumpers

Left Door Seal

Outlet Heater Hose


Valve Cover Bolts

Water Pump


Also bought a new transmission kit from z car source.


If you have any interest please let me know.  In addition I will throw in the engine stand and engine crane which I will no longer need. Please see my thread Rust Advice 280z on these forums.  You will see pictures and the work done. 


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That's too bad, you put a lot of work into that car, hope the sale goes well.



Thanks. This is killing me to have to do this.  Especially after the car is now structurally sound. 

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