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I'm old; Time to sell 240 STUFF

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I'm old; Time to sell 240 STUFF

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  • Offered by: Richard McDonel
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As we approach spring clean-up time, I'm going to be posting quite a number of 240Z parts for sale. As I dig stuff out of my snow-bound shed and take photos I'll probably post two or three per day.  In addition to the ones posted today, I'm going to be selling a Series 2 rear hatch and two doors, a new replacement driver's side floor pan,  headlight buckets, a set of new, shorter (racing) springs, a RF fender,  3-piece rear exterior panel set, a plastic ceiling cross-piece, visors, probably two front anti-roll bars, and more as I mulch  through my collection / accumulation.     

For today, I'm listing two differential mounts, two transmission mounts, and asking $10 each; a Series 1 steering wheel (in need of refinishing but otherwise sound) asking $25, and a glove box door (missing two flat-head screws) at $15.  

I'm in western Canada; Red Deer, Alberta to be specific, so shipping for larger stuff such as doors will be a big-ticket item for long distances and across borders, and   probably not workable. As for the smaller parts, it shouldn't be an obstacle.    

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For a good steeringwheel over here they ask 400 euro plus!!  so is 25 bucks not a joke... 


Edited by dutchzcarguy

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I’ll take the steering wheel(f you still have it) Do you happen to have any mirrors? Inside/outside? I also need the the dome light if you happen to have one.

I’m in California, I don’t mind paying for shipping. 



Richard McDonel



The steering wheel is gone.  I have one inside mirror ($20 ), and I have  a dome light, but the switch is broken.  Buy the mirror and I'll throw in the plastic lens and chrome trim of the light.   

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I'm in Calgary and have a couple of projects on the go.   If you like I'll drive up and take the whole shed.  PM me if interested.


Richard McDonel



Yes, I'd be interested in showing you what I've got.

Not mentioned in my ad are  the two rear-end assemblies, including control arms, struts, axles, and one diff, that I have.  Are there any more parts that you need that I haven't mentioned?

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Ok great.  What day is good for you?  My 240 was is very rough shape so I will take whatever is in better condition than what I've got (so basically almost anything ?).  The 78 is very complete.

Richard McDonel



I'm not sure I'm using this site correctly.  One minute I have six messages showing, then half an hour later I'm down to three (?).  So, in case my earlier message did not survive, aside from Wednesday morning I'm free.  But since that first message, I've had to make a dental appointment, and that's at 2:00 Tuesday.  So, Tuesday morning, Wednesday afternoon, or any time the rest of the week would be great.  


Best regards,

Richard McDonel

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