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1971 Datsun 240z

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1971 Datsun 240z

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Madisonville, Kentucky United States
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Car restored approximately 10-15years ago from inside - out using as much OEM as possible, but unfortunately only able to drive car about 1000 miles or less before having to park it due to unforseen circumstances. This car has new carpet kit that isn't glued down, new headliner, new door panels, dash kit, and of course too many mechanical upgrades and replacements too mention.  It has been kept in a safe dry interior environment with a car cover on it. Clean title. No rust ever found..even battery tray looks in great shape. Please reach out with any questions.. Great unmolested car with 4 speed manual, a/c , and also have some period correct vintage racing wheels that will probably go with it. They are American Racing Magnesiums.. can't think of exact wheel style number at moment. The wheels Currently on car are simply 17" motegi gunmetal wheels I got super cheap years ago. 

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