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WTB License Light Rubber Grommets

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WTB License Light Rubber Grommets

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Hi there,

I am looking for 2No. excellent condition license light cable rubber grommets, that sit behind the license light and protect the license light cable as it passes through the metal bodywork into the rear hatch (behind the trim panel). I don't think the part is available OEM new, but I can't seem to find the part number on my fiche anyway.

I have a UK car, so the license light configuration is different from US models, but the rubber grommet I am looking for is identical. On UK cars the license light is mounted on the rear bumper (the unit above the license plate does not have bulbs in it), so the cable passes through the lower valance, up alongside the wheel well externally and then in through the hatch floor. Therefore, there are two points where the license light cable passes through the car's body, and hence why I am after 2No, grommets (grommets with holes through them for the cable).  The image shows the position of the rubber grommet I am looking for on US cars, but on my car this is a blind grommet, not the type I am looking for. I am looking for the type with a hole through  the middle.

Thanks for looking.   

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I found that the radio antenna delete cover was just a plain old  rubber grommet that is found elsewhere on the Z (a common floor drain plug grommet I believe).


Perhaps you can measure the opening hole of the license plate hole and find an appropriate grommet from a different Nissan car of the same era  or....... if lucky, the same size hole and grommet is found elsewhere on a Z?



Hi there,

Thanks for responding. I did have a look at other electrical components on my car, such as the engine trouble light, voltage regulator and starter motor to see if the cables passing through the housing of those would match the license light grommet, but they don't, unfortunately.  Also, I Googled various other electrical components from Nissan cars from the 1970's era, to see if they would have a matching grommet but, again, cannot find a match. 

The hole in the metalwork for the license light grommet is small, at around 9mm diameter, so only an assembly with bullet connectors would fit through the hole. The later nylon connectors would not pass through a 9mm diameter hole.

The antenna assembly holes at the top of the rear quarter, and for the drain plug are a lot larger than the license light grommet hole, even though the antenna drain pipe is about 9mm diameter, I guess.

Below is a picture of an early Datsun 510 side indicator light, and I think this is what the license plate rubber grommet should look like. The two on my car crumbled to dust when I went to have a look at them for a pattern.

Thanks again.   


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Here you go... at home for you too:




Hi there,

Thanks for posting the link. The image below, I think, looks a bit like the grommet I am after, although the one in the picture below is much larger in diameter. The blind grommet in the first picture in the original posting (taken on my car) is where the cable runs through the body panel on US cars (behind the license light), but on my car the license light cable runs through the rear valance, below the bumper, so on UK cars the hole used in US cars to route the cable is plugged (that is Nissan part 64821-32200, I think).

The third image below illustrates where the cable is routed through the rear valance, below the bumper on UK cars. In this picture, part of the rubber grommet is still visible, but when I tried to remove it, it crumbled away, presumably because it was exposed to water and road debris much earlier in the car's life. Ideally, I would like to find a genuine Nissan part, if there are any still available! I am making the assumption that on US cars, because the rubber grommet is protected, behind the license light itself, it is less prone to deterioration, than the ones on my car.   

Below is the type of rubber grommet I am after, in this thread, which illustrates it brilliantly:   


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The grommet on a North American car has wires running through it.. so it has a hole.... not what you need:




Edited by 240260280

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Sorry, I got mixed up.  You don't want the plug for the blocked hole, you want the one for where your license plate wire goes to the bumper area (which is same as NA picture I showed above) right?



Hi there,

That's correct, the diameter of the blind grommet is the same as the open one, to fit a circa 9mm diameter hole. I see the images didn't upload in my previous post, so I'll try again here. Below is an image of a much larger, OEM Nissan, grommet (illustrating both sides), but I think the general shape is similar to the license light rubber grommet that I would like to purchase. On the left below, is the old grommet in position on my car (below the rear bumper), before it literally fell apart.   

Thanks once again.

Edited by 240260280

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I found that these typically are removed with the rear wire harness and stay with it. You may see one on a harness on ebay. I'll keep an eye out for one.



Hi there,

That is kind of you. Hopefully a couple of decent condition ones will turn up, not in a million pieces like the two on my car have disintegrated into!

Thanks once again.


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