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Interior pieces -- PRICE DROP

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Interior pieces -- PRICE DROP

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  • $40 FOR SALE
  • Offered by: jhm
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  • Quantity 1
, Virginia
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1 Question
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Various interior pieces for sale.  All pulled from a 1973 early-model 260 or a 1974 late-model 260.  Most in decent physical and operating condition.  All prices listed do not include shipping -- I will use the most economical USPS flat rate shipping available.  Thanks for looking.

- ashtray cover and mounting bracket, two available (note the different configuration on backside):  $10 each

- ashtrays, two available:  SOLD

- glovebox door, includes the side-mounted retaining bracket and screws:  $15

- cigarette lighters, two available, both in working condition:  SOLD

- overhead dome lamp, includes bulb, working condition:  SOLD

- ammeter/fuel gauge, pulled several years ago when converted to voltmeter, unknown working condition:  $10

- fresh air side vents, two available, one functions nicely/the other has a broken pull tab for opening/closing vents:  SOLD

- center console armrest, spring and latching mechanism in good working condition, one mounting bracket was repaired years ago:  SOLD

- center air handler for center vents/defroster:  free with any purchase

- white plastic mounting bracket for dash harness:  free with any purchase

- small plastic coat hangers (that mount behind drivers and passengers seats), two available:  free with any purchase

FIRE SALE.....PACKAGE DEAL:  $40 total for everything remaining, shipped anywhere in the U.S!  $40 for everything, with free shipping!!  Anything that doesn't sell in the next couple weeks is going in the trash,


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