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1978 280Z modified - ON Canada - SOLD!
1978 280Z modified - ON Canada - SOLD!
- $24,000 FOR SALE
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I'm helping a friend sell his 1978 modified 280Z. The owner had it over 20 years ago and was in rust free condition before even doing the restoration. He spent ridiculous money on it and he understands his lost. He is now at age of 64, he is no longer able to drive this car due to health reason. Here are some of the details done to the car I was given by the shop who worked on the mechanicals and upgrades. The engine is a L28 3.1L TD04 Turbo water methanol multi port injectors, approx. 400HP SDS Engine Management System. 6 speed Getrag Corvette manual transmission. R200 4:11 Nismo LSD. 13" front and rear Vicknell disk brakes 4 pistons calipers. Custom 3" exhaust with stainless steel muffler. Custom adjustable coil over suspensions. 17" Eagle Alloys wheels with Toyo Proxes 4 Plus 245/40R/17. Custom interior. Power sunroof. Power locks, Security Systems. Custom Stereo with power amps subwoofer. Clean straight body and multi layers of base/clear coat paint job. This car neds a new home. Owner is asking for 30k CAD around 24k USD or entertain him an offer and will let you know. Car is located in Toronto, ON Canada. This is SOLD. Thank you.
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