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Avoid scams, deal locally. Beware wiring (e.g. Western Union), cashier checks, money orders, store debit cards, etc. If someone asks you to use Paypal, Venmo, or other online money transfer process, make sure you protect yourself in case the product(s) do not show up. For example, do not use the Paypal Friends and Family transfer option because you cannot get a refund if the product does not show up. Refer to this link for more information about online security and protecting yourself against purchase scams. Likewise if you are going to meet someone for an in-person transaction, refer to this link for advice.
Need 240z Windshield - without blue tint
Need 240z Windshield - without blue tint
I am looking for as high a quality and as nice a condition windshield as I can get my hands on for the car I am restoring. I am not interested in the new ones from Motorsport or the new one's on eBay - the ones with the blue strip of tint along the top border. Also, I am not interested in settling yet for one that has high miles and lots of "sand pitting". Anyone holding onto a really nice spare that when you really think about it, you aren't going to end up using after all? Willing to pay top dollar for the right one.
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