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S30 strut-brace bars

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S30 strut-brace bars

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  • $279 FOR SALE
  • Offered by: Sean Dezart
    • (
    • )
  • Specs

  • Item Condition NEW
  • Quantity 1
1 Question
0 Reviews


My S30 super-lite, all-aluminum strut-brace bars, in stock and available to ship immediately.

For 2x seaters and 2+2s

Gunmetal / anthracite powder-coat painted (both sides) brackets with polished bars similar to the NLA USA Nismo alu bars

Fits over stock and triple carbs, stock and after-market EFi and also Rebello (LD28 block which are taller) L35 strokers

Fully adjustable in length to set them up tight

Uses stainless-steel nut and bolt to secure bar to bracket - no more rusty bitz !

Included - new, stainless steel nuts and washers for the strut tops front and rear for a completely new and clean look

Lightest on the market - not forgetting that 'light is right' :

Front with brackets = 735g /1.62lbs

Rear with brackets = 730g /1.61lbs 

Very competively priced in each market !


Prices (both bars) :

US$279 + shipping $60

£212 + shipping £35

CAN$358 + shipping $78

AUS$381 + shipping $83

NZ$409 + shipping $89

€235 + shipping €30


Prices (front bar only) :

US$154 + shipping $45

£117 + shipping £25

CAN$358 + shipping $59

AUS$212 + shipping $62

NZ$227 + shipping $67

€130 + shipping €20


Kits so far are :

front and rear bars

front bar only (rear bars only available upon request - please PM for tarifs)

Later, new front and rear caps will be available for S30s and S130s along with a complete bar kit for the S130s.


Payment accepted via Paypal

Recommended Questions

Hey Sean do you have a prototype of the caps for the S30 you can share to give us an idea. Thanks

Sean Dezart


Hi John.

So far, I only have some rough 3-D printed versions. I've approached a thermal-mold company, sent off examples and am awaiting a return.

I'd rather wait until I have both AND the revised, improved 3-D print before their exposition.

Kind regards,


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