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Datsun/Nissan L28 Engine

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Datsun/Nissan L28 Engine

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  • $500 FOR SALE
  • Offered by: texasz
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  • Quantity 1
Cedar Park, Texas United States
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Here is a long block for a Datsun/Nissan 240Z, 260Z, 280Z, 280ZX.  This is an N42 block and N47 head.  Per the previous owner the block was rebuilt and never ran, to some degree I believe this since the piston tops look very clean and the head gasket appears to be brand new.  However, Kevin at the Z Clinic feels that there is too much fore/aft movement of the crank and warrants a closer look.  I'd assume it will need a quick once over at minimum.  Also included is a flywheel, alternator, and front pulley (all in the condition I received them, surface rust).

For an additional $200 I'll include the 4-screw round-top SU carbs that I got with this engine, they are partially disassembled for rebuild (just as I received them) and an E48 intake manifold for them.

Local pick up and cash sale please.  

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