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1973 heater control valve

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1973 heater control valve

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  • $1 WANTED
  • Offered by: Flyzlo
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  • Specs

  • Item Condition NEW
, Ontario Canada
3 Questions
0 Reviews


I’m looking for a NOS valve part number 27116-N3300. This is only for a 1/73 build date Canadian Zed. I do have a 27116-E4400 (early 70-72) and a 27116-N3600 fitting a 260Z. Both of those are not correct. If you do have one, you must be willing to ship to Canada. 

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I may have one. I will look to see if your p/n is on my part. Can you give me a more detailed picture or detailed description of the part you need,? That way I will not waste your time with the wrong part.




Hopefully you can see the valve that I need. Thanks for taking the time to look! I have a brand new 27116-N3600 and this part is almost the exact opposite of what I need. Keep in mind this is a Canada only part that was used for 1 year.

Thanks for helping out a Zed car buddy from the Great White North!!!

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I have been out for awhile, business, not this virus thing. Just got back today the 19th, it now 2pm PST.

I was born in Fairbanks, Alaska. Your welcome. I have you on my list of thing to get on this week. I just thought I would not leave you hanging any longer.

I know what you mean about Canadian built viechle's, my shop truck is a Canadian built Dodge form 1985. It has factory dual exhaust, that option is not listed in the states. We have what we call DEQ (Dept. of Enviro. Quality) and since my truck is not listed in their books I had to fight them every two years to prove it is not modified. I finally changed to a single CAT back 3 inch exhaust system and still use the 2 CAT's. They don't care that it has an Mega Flow muffler or that 3 inch is not factory. Oh well, tough for them.


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I found the valve. It's not the one you need. It (according to the factory manual) fits a 260/280 non Euro model.

Sorry, have a great Turkey Day.




Thanks for trying, I really appreciate it.

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