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1971 240z parts (misc.) wanted

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1971 240z parts (misc.) wanted

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  • Ask for price WANTED
  • Offered by: inline6
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  • Item Condition NEW
Marietta, Georgia United States
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Looking for the following parts for the 71 240z I am restoring:

  • upper and lower washers for moustache bar (rear differential mount) with bonded rubber
  • power antenna or parts - I'd like to put an original one in my car, but I'm not interested in paying $1500 for a new one - let me know what you've got. 
  • rubber seals for corners of the tool storage boxes behind the seats - (these trim out the corners of the opening)
  • car jack and tools, bag, etc.  (Looking for some really nice condition) - letters stamped into jack base need to start with Q, and then be followed by E or F, then followed by A through Z or AA through EE.  So, QFS for example would be fine.
  • OEM new old stock windshield.  I have been able to source a new, good quality one, but would prefer an original one.  Have one you'd part with for the right price?? 
  • Original Bridgestone tire with appropriate date stamp for my 6.71 car (check DOT code).  I want this tire for the spare wheel.
  • New old stock of these:      s-l1600.jpg

PM me if you have any of these things.  Even if the ad is expired.  I will likely be needing at least some of these things still even a very long time from now.  Thanks in advance.

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