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N42 engines and parts

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N42 engines and parts

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  • Ask for price FOR SALE
  • Offered by: inline6
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  • Item Condition NEW
  • Quantity 1
Marietta, Georgia United States
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I bought spare N42 engines a while back because I was building a track motor (N42 block with an 89 mm bore), and sometimes it is hard to find N42 blocks that will take that much bore oversize safely.  I got lucky on the first engine I disassembled and now have two spares.  Additionally, I have some parts from the engine I disassembled.  I can take more pictures of anything - these ads cap pics at no more than 10.  Just let me know. 

ITM valve guides - set of 8 - $10 plus shipping

N42 engines - both blocks and both heads have N42 on them - $500 for each engine

Misc parts from an N42 which was disassembled - if you see anything you want there... possibly even just pay shipping and they are yours.  I am posting them mainly because that stuff tends to get thrown away, and if you truly have need of just one useable stock valve, for example, or something you see there then it would be nice if I may be able to help you out.  


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