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1977 Datsun 280z 2+2

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1977 Datsun 280z 2+2

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Carrollton, Georgia United States
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So here is my official for sale post of my 77 Datsun 280z 2+2, I hate to see her go as I just got her a few months ago.  No rust on floorboards or rails, 77k original miles on it, runs great. I got the car from a guy down in destin Florida.  He had a climate controlled garage with 15+ classics in it.  It was in that garage, taken care of by his mechanic for the last 20 years.  It comes with wheels pictured, set of konig rewinds and set of original wheels and hubcaps.If you have any questions, want detailed pics of anything specific, etc please contact me, I’m negotiable.  I’m asking $13,000 or best offer. I need this gone as I’m moving across country in a few months.  Thanks again.

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