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R180 3:54 1978 280z Differential Automatic Transmission

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R180 3:54 1978 280z Differential Automatic Transmission

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Lakeland United States
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R180 3:54 from my 1978 Automatic. Converted the car to a 5 speed and installed an R200 3:90. Owned this car since 1983 at 16k miles. The mileage is just over 100k before the conversion. Differential was clean with no apparent wear or signs of metal. I’ve included the pics for you to see. Before you beat me up on the pricing, This diff has had an easy life. Thought someone might be interested on finding one from a member that has history on this 43 year old part. Took it down to metal. Etching primer and paint. Nissan seals, gasket and drain plug. I did not mess with the pinion for obvious reasons. The shipping costs will depend upon location. Just thought I’d throw it out to the forum. If it doesn’t sell I’ll store it away. Thanks... John 


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