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15x7 ET0 'in the style of' KS competition/works rally-mag wheels

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15x7 ET0 'in the style of' KS competition/works rally-mag wheels

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The price quoted is for a set iof four (4x) wheels, centre-dust caps and cap-stickers.
ET zero
PCD 4x114.3
CB 73.1
15.8lbs / 7.2 kgs
All alloy
With my -10% launch promotion, treat your car to a set of 4x wheels with your choice* of centre-hub stickers for just :
USA us$1133 + us$300shipping = us$1433
USA 2x sets** = us$500 shipping
USA 3x sets** = us$700 shipping
(shipping at the same time and to the same address)
Europe €937 + 100 shipping = €1037
UK £822 + 88 shipping = £910
Australia au$1472 + 450shipping = au$1922
Rest of the world us$1133 + 360 = us$1493
Upon special request and at my discretion, single wheels may be bought.
Multiple orders can benefit from reduced shipping. All shipping is tracked and insured !
**Group orders will attract an extra 5% discount (-15% in total).
* capital Z or original 'Real-Wheels'
With each order, a surprise and durable free gift !
I am currently awaiting the laboratory, destruction-test rapport performed on 1x wheel, the results of which I shall be publishing for your comfort and security.
No ambiguity - these were commissioned from China....just like most wheels and most of your cellphones and I have these on my wifes' 280Z !
Please PM me for more info and purchasing : Payment via Paypal only !

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