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1977 280z Donor Car Leftovers

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1977 280z Donor Car Leftovers

   (0 reviews)
  • Ask for price FOR SALE
  • Offered by: DWSchmidt
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  • Specs

  • Item Condition USED
  • Quantity 1
, Maryland United States
5 Questions
0 Reviews


I have the leftovers from a 1977 280z that we used as a donor for refurbishing my dad's Z. Finished the project and I need to get rid of the parts car. This car has rusted through floors and rockers and lower fenders plus other major rust. I did not keep track of everything we used (main thing we bought it for was the running engine). Car was running/driving when purchased 5 years ago. In case it matters, car was built 12/76.

NOT available (partial list):

- engine

- turn/headlight stalk switches

- passenger quarter window trim

- rear suspension/hubs/differential (may be available later)

I can ship small parts. If any interest in hood, roof, transmission (4-speed), gas tank (somewhat rough), or other large parts, pickup or nearby delivery can work (or discuss shipping?). I'm in central Maryland.

Please feel free to ask about any bits you might need. Not trying to make money, so will be open to offers. Would like some of it to get used before scrapping.

Recommended Questions

Is the clock in the car a quartz?




I believe so, but not positive. here are a couple pics. Dial on front says Kanto Seiki Tokyo. The "glass" in front is quite dirty but the dial itself looks pristine. If there is more I need to look at to ID for sure, let me know. The corrosion is just surface, mainly on the one side, other side looks a lot better.



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Thanks for the quick return. Your clock is the standard mechanical and not quartz. 

Thanks any way. 




Thanks. Saw your wanted ad now and see it would say Quartz right on front.


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Do you have the cabin harness cover located in the passenger footwell (circled in red in the photo)?  Also looking for a decent fuse cover from the passenger footwell also.




Yes, but...

I do have the cabin harness cover. It has wear and scuffs and also has a crack (highlighted in close-up photo). The crack is visible, but not horribly so. Scuffs/scratches on most of it, not just close-up part. Have the screws/bolts also, though one has corrosion.

Found the fuse cover in a box, was out of the car. Unfortunately, it looks like a fuse overheated and melted the cover. I checked and it will still fit in place okay.

So, not great shape... If interested, let me know.





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Hi, would you be willing to sell the front cover off the transmission?



Having heard no interest in the transmission itself, I am willing to part it out. Just to be clear (before I start dismantling it), you are referring to the front cover where the throwout bearing runs (as in pic), correct? Can you make an offer please, with shipping on top? Either here or private message.



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