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1971 240Z - $13,000 - Sold!!!

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1971 240Z - $13,000 - Sold!!!

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  • $13,000 FOR SALE
  • Offered by: KenFirch
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  • Specs

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  • Quantity 1
Sacramento, California United States
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2 Questions
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Year: 1971

Model: 240Z 

VIN: HLS30-32103

Engine: L24

Trans: 5 Speed Manual

Color: Green/Black

Mileage: 152,900


Up for sale is this nice looking 1971 240Z Series II I bought about a year ago to fix up as a project, but have decided to focus on fixing my other 73 240Z and 66 Mustang instead.   

This car is in good overall condition, but still needs some attention. But you can drive and enjoy it as you fix it up. Rust-wise it is very good, which is one of the reasons I latched onto it in the first place. It has a 5-71 build date. 

The non-original L24 engine runs great, and by looking at the engine number is probably from a 72. It has a E88 head, header exhaust, SU carbs, and backed by a 5 speed transmission making it nice on the freeways. Aluminum dish wheels with new tires, and new brake pads, rotors, and calipers. 

This car was originally silver but was a painted green about 2 years ago. 

The underside and frame rails are in great shape, dog legs fine, as well as all the other typical 240Z rust areas. No signs of previous accidents. There are 3 areas of rust that need attention. There’s a dime sized hole near the battery, but the rest of the battery area is fine. The drivers side floor pans do have some surface rust, and 2 areas of pinholes, but are structurally sound and not bad enough to replace. The rubber sound deadening material on the rear drivers side pan was loose, indicating surface rust underneath. I removed to rubber material, the surface rust, and properly prepped and applied POR-15. The drivers front pan has a similar sized area the should be treated as well. The rubber sound deadening on passenger side pans is tight, which typically means there’s good paint underneath instead of rust, and nothing shows from the underside.

It had an incorrect 72-73 console installed when I got it, so I replaced with a fiberglass reproduction piece from the Z Store.   

More photos here.   Other pictures available by request.


  • Great looking 240Z.
  • Very little rust.
  • Runs and drives good.
  • New weather stripping.
  • New carpets.
  • New tires and brakes.
  • 5 speed makes it nice to drive.
  • Clean California title in my name.


  • Non original engine.
  • Non original paint color.
  • A few missing parts: radio, fuse cover, horns, door light switches.
  • Amp gauge and clock don’t work.

Asking price: $13,000  Sold!!!

Name: Ken

Phone: 916-997-1170

Email: kenfirch@yahoo.com

City/State/Country: Sacramento, CA - USA

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