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1 Owner Datsun 280 ZX Project/Parts For Sale

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1 Owner Datsun 280 ZX Project/Parts For Sale

   (0 reviews)
  • $2,500 FOR SALE
  • Offered by: vintagedude01
    • (
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  • Specs

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  • Quantity 1
, New Jersey
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I have a 1981 Datsun 280zx project/parts car for sale that has only had 1 owner. It is a high milage car with over 200,000 miles, the odometer currently only shows 91,000 miles because it has been replaced in the past.

The Good

The motor runs very strong and has had regular maintenance since new. The 3 speed automatic transmission shifts smooth through all the gears with no slippage or missing gears. Brand new steering rack. The suspension and steering are tight with no unusual noises. The interior is in great shape. The seats are not ripped however they are faded from the sun. The carpet has no stains or rips. The original radio works and the original t-tops bags are included. I drove the car 40 miles yesterday without a problem on backroads and interstate. 


The Bad

There is a leak in the brakes from the master cylinder and read driver side brake caliber. The painted is faded heavily from 38 years of the sun. There is little clear coat left. The body has rust damage in the rockers, doors, rear valance and several other places. The sub-frame also has severe rust damage. For this reason I would recommend it as a parts car. However if someone has enough determination and money it may be repairable. 

More detailed pictures of these areas will be uploaded shortly 

I am listing this car for a friend of mine, if there any questions feel free to ask them and I will pass them along to him. Viewing and test drives can be arranged. 


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