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OEM headlight covers s30

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OEM headlight covers s30

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  • $480 FOR SALE
  • Offered by: RIP260Z
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United Kingdom
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Nissan Datsun 240z 260z 280z OEM headlight covers. Don't often see these for sale....
Used, read and look at the photos.
These are my spare pair. Overall condition is very good considering their age and use. But not perfect. They are a mixed pair, see further on. I am going to be picky here so you are fully aware, but I would certainly use if I didn't have a pair on my S30 (one of which was new- so who wouldn't use that on their Z).
The right metal trim is stainless steel, whilst the left is chromed steel. Can't tell unless you put a magnet on. The chrome on the steel one is very good, no rust showing, but the chrome is thin, you can see the brush marks below. Otherwise, in excellent condition.
As it is a mixed pair, the Perspex on the left is a little awkward to get to fit, a little tight but not under tension, but does fit. The fixing holes don't quite line up fully, but there is enough room for a fixing screw to go through.
Both Perspex covers are good, it has a few light swirl scratches (due to cleaning), BUT nothing to be concerned about. There is a little damage around a couple of the fixing holes, due to previous owners tightening down to hard. Most is hidden under the trim. See photos.
No fixing kit with these, I would use something like rivnuts. There is an old rubber seal, but I would use as I did, some closed cell foam to stick around the Perspex to seal it to the body. Yes, there is evidence of old adhesive on the Perspex from the original glue/seal, but its very minor. (and you are going to cover it with a new seal....)
I had these advertised on Ebay.co.uk, but didn't quite reach reserve, so trying further afield.  I will consider offers if they aren't insulting.
Shipping to USA, tracked and signed for with more towards the value at about $48.
Drop me a line...

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