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1979 280z Convertible conversion Shell

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1979 280z Convertible conversion Shell

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  • Offered by: PastorKB
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Johnson City, New York United States
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To day I picked up a pair of 1979 280zx seats in good condition . the gentleman I purchased them from had this sitting out back . He stated that it was a running car and the individual that had it moved and couldn't take it with him . So once he got to Fla. he decided to ask the garage to pull all the parts off of it and ship down to the owner . 

what you see in the pics is what is left . I only saw one spot of rust behind the drivers seat in the floor pan . The rest of the car looks true and intact. This would be an awesome LS project for the serious mod hobbyist.

I already have two projects going atm , but the garage stated hes only going to hold on to it for another 2 weeks and its slated for the crusher . I would hate to see that happen , there is lots of potential . 

HIs name is Paul He works at Overdrive automotive in Johnson city NY 


Ill help where i can if your intrested . 

dont let this cool car get crushed. 

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