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NEW Datsun 240z Rear taillight body panel, and other sheet metal parts!
NEW Datsun 240z Rear taillight body panel, and other sheet metal parts!
- $600 FOR SALE
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- Item Condition NEW
- Quantity 1
Hey guys I just wanted to share a new product our company came out with. Its been a long time in the making but its finally available and ready to ship! Our Rear 240z taillight panel is a Newly manufactured part that hasnt been made before (to our knowledge), we sourced a rare NOS Datsun taillight panel to serve as the template. This is a common rust spot and this panel makes for a clean installation, without cutting and splicing, you can install it the correct way with spot welds, as this is a correct datsun body panel and not a patch. We have already installed one of these as a test and it fits great, the curvature on the exhaust valance is accurate and the spot weld holes line up. We also have other parts available such as spare tire wells and floor pans, if you have any questions feel free to contact me here or at our website Resurrected Classics thanks! Also here is the link if you would like to checkout directly from our store with paypal Resurrected Classics price for the taillight panel is $600
In the future we plan on making every removable body panel for the 240z and some non removable. So far we have samples for Hoods, hatches (vented and non vented), doors, fenders, headlight buckets, bumpers and much more. If you would like to be notified of new production items please follow our newsletter our our instagram @datsunhunters
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