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1978 Datsun 280z

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1978 Datsun 280z

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  • $10,000 FOR SALE
  • Offered by: SupremeCling
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  • Specs

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  • Quantity 1
Denver, Colorado United States
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I bought this car a couple months ago, and 1 simple device broke leading to me wanting to look elsewhere.


66,000 original miles

4 speed

factory AC


The car was my daily until it began to overheat. Turns out the EGR broke, leaking exhaust right into the bay and causing the engine to heat fast. In fixing the EGR, the bold connecting to the exhaust manifold broke. 


To fix the EGR and Exhaust Manifold, you must take off the Intake Manifold. Knowing that, I decided I wanted to convert it to carbureted instead of fuel injection. I started working on that removing the intake manifold, radiator and alternator.


I just learned that my vision for the car wont fly in Colorado with the new emissions regulations having a hard start in 1975.


This kind of breaks my dream for this car, and considering i think it would be best with someone else. If you have a solution please let me know. If you have an offer, I welcome all. 


At the very least, I love to talk about these cars

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