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Datsun 280zx, A series, L series, 510, 1200 Matchbox distributor breaker plate repair kit.

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Datsun 280zx, A series, L series, 510, 1200 Matchbox distributor breaker plate repair kit.

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79-83 280zx distributor breaker plate repair kit. 22136-H9501   22158-S6700

Greeting everyone. I rebuilt my distributor from my 1981 280zx. When I took it I took it apart guess what I found, yep the plastic bearing holder had broken and the bearing were in the bottom of the distributor. I sourced a good distributor and removed the plastic bearing holder and sent it to an engineering firm that specializes is plastic molding/printing and had them redesign/reinforce the weak spots in the bearing holder and I have had a small batch of them produced. I have sourced proper size replacement bearings.
The breaker plate comes apart pretty easy, but pay attention and take pictures.  I still have 30-40 of these left from first production run. I will make more when I run low so Yes I still have them. I will look into international shipping and get a quote if you send me an address. FYI it has taken as long as 6 weeks for parts to get to Australia due to US Customs. So keep that in mind when ordering from overseas.

This will fit the A series, L series Matchbox distributors. 4 cylinder or 6 cylinder. Will not fit Pre-79 but I will have 73-78 retainers VERY soon.

$25.00 for the bearing retainer and 3 new bearings. The price includes shipping to the lower 48. 

Here is a video of a youtuber using my breaker plate to repair his distributor


My contact information

Craig Haug


seven-zero-one 471-fifteen, thirtyfour

Parts are located in North Dakota

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