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Looking for a ANCO rear bumper chrome trim rail for a 1975 280Z

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Looking for a ANCO rear bumper chrome trim rail for a 1975 280Z

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I've been hunting for a rear ANCO I believe is the correct name of the company who produced these chrome bumper trim or 'over rider' bars, I was able to find one in pretty nice condition, and I saw one recently on Ebay (But it needs to be striped and re-chromed) which will cost more than the item itself. But I suppose re-chroming might be inevitable, But I really like to find a rear bar in Ok condition I can polish it and match my front trim bar. I'm kinda a stickler for originality, I've been able to find 3 sets of date correct steel wheels 6/74 8/77 and 8/79 and 2 sets of original 75 Hubs caps. I personally like the appearance of the 14" wheels and hubcaps. but if I could score a rear ANCO trim bar that would be great !

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You say:  I'm kinda a stickler for originality, 

As you say yourself it was made by ANCO..  So.. it has nothing to do with originality!

I call them towl rack, and.. they only ad weight.. but if you want one i have one.. but i better not send it because of the autrageous shipping costs..

(And also i think it's a DAMN UGLY thing also.. haha but it's your car and decision!! )



Well beauty is in the eye of the beholder my friend, and since it won't walk here on it's own, shipping is what it is, but I would like to buy it ?


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Also, if you ask me..  It's a part that makes an ugly bumper on a beautiful car even more uglyer haha!  Put some 240-260 bumpers on there, yes it's not original but much more pretty!  (I apologise if i went to far but it's just an opinion.. of a lot of members here..) 



I'm new and a little green behind the ears, but I was told by a longtime Zdriver, that the Anco over-riders bar was a option installed by the different Datsun dealerships , like the undercoating was a dealer only option. My 75 was undercoated and garage kept which is the only reason is is still here and not in a junkpile somewhere. These cars were the focus of much appeal and most were driven into the ground. I, I like the car as it originally was, options delete or with some options. To me, these are a very special vehicles, built quickly, and cheaply, but they also were built with great thought, which is why you find almost no sheet metal screws, every fastener is a machine screw. When I bought my 75 last year, the license plate was put on with sheet metal screws and once I took them out, I was able to still see the machine threads, so I got a M6x1.00 tap and just lightly chased the threads back into shape and the M6x1.00 and mounted the plate correctly. But it was and I suppose still the case with most Japanese manufactures to a large percent, of quality over quick and dirty manufacturing. Sad but true, but I like working with something the engineers had the time and intent to get right the first time, not in some last minute semi-quality ad campaign. These early Japanese motor cars are truly a joy to work on and own. but after years of doing different restorations I like as they came out of the box


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You:  but I would like to buy it ?

Yes but i'm NOT going through the hassle ... i'm sorry..  from europe to america is a pain..  a've bin there and done that and it's a pain in the ****..

Edited by dutchzcarguy

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I'm sorry but i have the wrong one.. it's not for a 280z... sorry.. and i did'nt get your PM.. maybe you have PM'd someone else?? 

Anyway.. i don't have the one you need.. it's from a 240-260 bumper. (rear)



No problem, the one you have is more valuable that the later version. 


Thank you,

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