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Looking for a factory A/C Receiver/Drier for a 75 280Z ?

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Looking for a factory A/C Receiver/Drier for a 75 280Z ?

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I'm in need of a fresh Receiver/Drier for a 1975 Datsun 280Z with factory A/C, It took a four-Seasons part # 33286 and is slightly odd as it has a intake line on the side of the unit as in the pic above.

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I have  75 (1/75) and it doesn't look like yours. Are you sure it wasn't changed in the past?



Hay, This is a picture of my Receiver/Drier on the car, my car was built January 1975 the vin is 590 so it is the start of 1975 production,

SANY0010 (1).JPG

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Wow that's really strange .  My car is a Jan  75 and this is what it looks like. Maybe one of our cars is a 260 that was just upgraded for 75, wouldn't put it past Datsun. 

 Additional note: My car color was the bronze and I changed it to Red when I did  a frame up. Never touched the AC as it has always worked.  




Was your cars A/C factory option or a Dealer installed A/C ?  When I was researching my 75 280Z 2+2, that was one of the things that swayed me to this particular car, was the factory air option,  and if I have done good research, the only options in the 1975 Z was an automatic transmission and, or Factory installed A/C. However in my case, this may not be such a great thing as I can't find this Receiver/Drier. I have one sold by Zcardepot, but it is like yours, and the only item like mine is a Four-Seasons #33286 fits, but they haven't manufactured this model in many years ?  🤥

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 My car had factory air. I'm the second owner and this was not installed by the dealer. My car came with the AC . You can probably replumb your hoses to accommodate  this  new style dryer. A good ac shop can make what ever connections /hoses you need. 

I wasn't concerned about mine as this is the original AC dryer and it's still working. The last time I added R12 was in 1982. If it ever quits I will have to convert to the more recent R134 or whatever the latest coolant is. At that time everything will have to b changed.

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