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Fair price paid for 1971 240z parts I need

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Fair price paid for 1971 240z parts I need

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  • Offered by: inline6
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Marietta, Georgia United States
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1 Question
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Here is my wish list of parts I'd like to track down - along with what I value them at, all prices do not include shipping:

  • tool box liners - the foam backed that go inside storage compartments - thinking $60 for both in very good condition
  • 4 pieces rubber trim which are glued to corners of tool door compartments (compartments are in the front of the rear hatch deck/floor area) - thinking $20 for nice ones removed with care not to tear them.
  • speaker bracket, cover and mounting hardware - thinking $45 each
  • original "old" style fuel hose clamps - thinking $20 each
  • seat recline knobs (not cracked) -- item #6 in the picture here: http://www.carpartsmanual.com/datsun/Z-1969-1978/body-240z/seat-slide/type-1-adjuster-seat/6 - thinking $40 each
  • factory original 14" 175HR14 RADIAL spare tire.  Prefer DOT code "221", "231", "241" or "251", but let me know what yours is (check DOT code on tire sidewall) - thinking $200
  • original carpet padding "jute" (brown horse hair like stuff). This "jute" was originally installed under the front floor carpet mats, under the seats, under the center tunnel diamond textured vinyl trim, and under the carpet in the rear hatch deck/floor. This stuff is fragile, and it would be nice, if you have any that is in good condition, to take some care with removal (it was glued to the tunnel).  Depending on the piece out of the set and condition - thinking $30 to $80 per piece
  • battery cover (plastic) related parts for 1971 240z - not sure how much - there are reproductions available
  • yellow wheel chocks with correct date stamps - 1E or 1F - thinking $30-$40 for the pair
  • original scissor jack.  There are letters stamped into the base of the jack.  I need one that has letters starting with Q (1971), and then be followed by F (June) as the second letter, then followed by any letter S through Z as the third letter ---- or, if there are four letters... then AA through CC as the third and fourth letters.  As best I can tell, I need a jack with any of the following letter sequences: QFS, QFT, QFU, QFV, QFW, QFX, QFY, QFZ, QFAA, QFBB, QFCC. - thinking $100
  • 4 original hubcaps for a 6/1971 240z - Any condition considered but the most I can see spending is $2000 for a set
  • original key blank - the type with black paint - still not sure which type I need
Marietta, GA 30062

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