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240Z Parts Collection - FREE
240Z Parts Collection - FREE
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240Z parts collection:
FREE to good 240Z home.
Conditions of transfer:
First committed pickup gets it all.
You Come and Get It All.
You take it ALL (including 240Z 2.4L engine long block).
Location: Ironwood, MI 49938
There is more stuff than actually listed.
Transmission and Differential mounts
2 Drive shafts (diff lengths)
VG Hood Latch Mechanism
Throttle mechanism rubber boot
VG Fuel pressure regulator w/gauge
(2) Shift Levers (Different shapes
Speedo cable
VG Transmission Cross Member w/new poly bushings
VG battery tray
Windshield Wiper Motor
L/R Windshield Washer Nozzles
E-brake cable
Different speedo gears
Repaired Original Windshield Washer tank
Passenger door glass
NEW windshield gasket -
Stainless Windshield trim surround
L/R Stainless Roof over door gutter trim
(3) Rear Hatch Struts (all w/good extension tension)
One set of side marker (1-yellow/1-red) lights
Original front calipers and rotors
Larger Toyota calipers (for stock rotors)
NEW Wilwood Brake Rotors
One cast iron rear brake drum
Set of 4 NEW 280Z rear brake shoes
L/R Front disk dust shields
(2) Tokiko strut inserts (used) -
Steering rack and pinion -
Rear Suspension - Front Cross member
Right Front lower suspension arm w/ball joint and tension bar
Batch of many Sway Bar Bushings and End Links and bushings
Box of metric 240Z-ish nuts, bolts, screws, misc small parts.
Front grill (dis-assembled)
Misc black carpeting and vinyl Trim -
Various Console lights & Switch wiring, Cig Lighter
Rear Parcel Tie down Straps (3 strap w/buckle sets, 1 strap no buckle)
Lower seat vinyl
Drivers Door Arm Rest
Gas Pedal rubber cover
A/C housings, condenser
1973 Datsun 240Z 2.4L long block - 89k original miles
Mild Cal Cams street cam for 240Z E88 head -
Original Front Harmonic Dampener
(2) Starters
“Twice Pipes” Exhaust system
Various Distributors models (Points and Trans Ign) -
Accel Super Stack coil #8140 -
VG Fuel pressure regulator w/gauge
(2) Shift Levers (Different shapes
New water pump
Fan Clutch
2-piece fan shroud
Speedo cable -
(2) Alternators -
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