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Extremely rare JDM right-hand drive 1970 Fairlady Z For Sale

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Extremely rare JDM right-hand drive 1970 Fairlady Z For Sale

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  • $50,000 FOR SALE
  • Offered by: mardman007
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SANTA ROSA United States
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Z-car text.docx

This award-winning premiere year production collectable car has less than 80k original miles.

The Fairlady Z was introduced in October 1969 as a 1970 model, with separate versions for the Japanese and U.S. markets. The Japanese Fairlady Z, like this beauty, featured a 2.0L L20A straight-six engine producing 130 hp (97 kW) and came with a five-speed manual transmission with a top speed of 151 mph. Fairlady Z is the first generation of Z GT 3-door two-seat coupés, produced by Nissan Motors, Ltd. of Japan from 1969 to 1978. When the Fairlady Z was exported overseas it was called the Datsun 240Z. One of the most successful sports car lines ever produced.

I’ve owned this car for 30 years. In 1992 while I was wrenching at a Ford shop in Santa Barbara it came in as a trade. The previous owner's wife wouldn't let him get a new car until he got rid of an old one. He drove this one the least, so it was the first to go. I bought it immediately.  It was in pristine condition at the time.

I've entered it only once to a car show and it won 2nd place for its class at the June 2007 ZONC auto show.

Over the years I’ve enjoyed caring for and driving this treasure. The items I’ve upgraded, and the spare parts included are described below (including a newly rebuilt L28 engine long block--see photos). I’ve retained all the receipts. 

This is a Low mile vehicle due to JDM RH drive configuration. It's been garaged for most of its life and has all original parts on or or in a box

 There are some cracks in the dash and some other wear. Seats were replaced with used ones and are in good condition. It does have small rust spots beginning to show in places, a door sill is rusted (I do have 2 replacement doors that are included). It has a repaired driver-side floor pan. Vehicle was repainted at least once (scuff-n-shoot). It has a new OEM heater/radio bezel and an after-market Alpine stereo. I’ve added aftermarket custom LED lighting to the interior and undercarriage. 


Spare Parts: (Not Currently Installed on Vehicle)

1975 L25 Modified engine (complete long block with triple Weber setup and electronic ignition)

3-to-2-to-1 header exhaust system

Fiberglass body mods (front and rear skirting, finder flares, hood scoop, and rear spoiler)

two spare complete doors

two transmissions one 5-speed and one 4-speed

one 1972 rear differential

multiple suspension components

Upgraded front & rear disk brakes

All original parts removed to install all upgrades

If I removed a part that could be put back on I kept it.

Many small parts collected over a 30yr period


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