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1970-1978 DATSUN 240Z, 260Z 280Z and 280ZX Hose Clamps

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1970-1978 DATSUN 240Z, 260Z 280Z and 280ZX Hose Clamps

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  • $1 FOR SALE
  • Offered by: zed2
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Plano, Texas United States
1 Question
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1970-1978 DATSUN 240Z, 260Z 280Z and 280ZX Hose Clamps

These clamps were recently yellow zinc plated and have the round (not hex) head screw.

The price of an individual clamp is between $18.50 .  Quantity discount may be available.  Shipping is available USPS insured.

I only have the 19mm size shown in the photo currently available.


Clamps #1b.JPG

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Recommended Questions

I see you only have the 19mm size available, so I'm writing just for information.  I did buy some two-wire fuel-line clamps from Z-car depot.  Fully tight on 5/16" fuel hose they are  barely snug.   Slip the hose onto the steel line and there is no problem turning them around.  I can put the hose on the steel line with the clamp screwed tight.  They're just not tight enough.  I'm using rubber hose from a parts shop, in fact I have two brands, and they're just too skinny for the clamp.  It would appear that the original fabric-covered Datsun hose must have had a greater o.d. than modern hoses.  Do you have, or do you know of any two-wire clamps that would tighten down to 13 or 13.5 mm?  The fuel hose I have measures just over 14 mm. 

Someone recommended Belmetric, but their 8mm (5/16) hose has an o.d. of 13.5 mm, so that solves nothing.

Any suggestions you have would be appreciated.  

Richard McDonell




Reach out to jfa.series1

Best of luck.


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