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1969 1600 Datsun Roadster
1969 1600 Datsun Roadster
- $14,500 FOR SALE
Offered by:
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- Item Condition USED
- Quantity 1
I purchased this car March 2OI5 from European Collectables in CA; it was part of a large batch from l- owner. The Roadster is both extremely reliable/runs well and fun to drive.
Here is the background:
Car has always been garaged in CA with CA blue plates
Car has since been in enclosed garage in our Seattle house with trickle charger
Clean WA title
Matching #s
Since purchased, following work (including regular maintenance) has been performed by Marqueen Garage in Queen Anne:
New brake hoses, brakes fuel pump, and alternator
As of May 2019, compression test 130 on all four cylinders
New top installed by Sunmark Upholstery (Bellevue) October 2OI5
No discernible rust and no bondo detected
Dash not cracked
35,7I0 Total Miles Unknown
All gauges work except speedometer and clock
Limited records/history provided
I recently purchased a 1970 Z. Thus, the reason for the sale. lt will be hard to part
with the L600 but need to make room for the Z.
Price S14.5k
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