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Datsun Nissan L series engine bronze oil pump drive worm gear

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Datsun Nissan L series engine bronze oil pump drive worm gear

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  • $205 FOR SALE
  • Offered by: Sean Dezart
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  • Item Condition NEW
  • Quantity 1
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A natural upgrade new part for your high-performance L6, L4 and NAPS-Z L4 engines.
Conceived and designed for competition use, this part is equally at home in street-modified engines, drifting, hill-climbing and rag-runs ; a must if your engine regularly revs high and especially enduringly. 
It is fitted to reduce accelerated wear to the drive teeth and therefore gear failure* and is especially efficient at  high RPMs.
Gear failure will send metal fragments around your engine via the oil and may lead to a complete halt in lubrification and catastrophic engine failure !!!
This the essentiel part that you'll find in the Book "How to modify your Nissan and Datsun OHC engine*" on pages 93 and 133.......and the Datsun Competition Parts Dept catalogue on page 7 !
*which incidentally shows one of my NISMO headers on the front page :-)
It is basically a small and inexpensive piece of life-insurance for the longevity of your performance engine - not to be overlooked lightly, its' absence could cost you dearly.
Dozens of these have been already fitted by high-performance engine builders with no failures ! 
All the major performance engine specialists, whether they be motorbikes, V8s or our own L-gatas fit bronze oil drives - you'll see them listed in their quotes.
Applicable to 240Z 260Z 280Z 280ZX Fairlady Z Skyline NISMO
Made by Rondeau (France) Engineering under my supervision to the original USA Datsun Competition and Nissan Motorsport specification. 
usd$205 per item with shipping included (tracked and insured).
Discount available for multi/group purchases.
And please don't forget about my Datsun-Zstory stainless-steel headers, downpipes, exhaust systems and mufflers.

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