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JDM/Option S30 footrest

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JDM/Option S30 footrest

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  • $200 FOR SALE
  • Offered by: RIP260Z
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  • Specs

  • Item Condition NEW
  • Quantity 1
United Kingdom
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A footrest I brought in from Japan and fully restored. Aqua blasted (vapour), new bolts fitted, new Nissan flat and spring washers, and nuts. Powder coated. CAD drawn and new, printed rubber ribbed part (its now in plastic) and glued on. The ribbed part is designed for the round bar (faithfully copied from an original), not a flat piece of rubber flooring which would look odd when curved round. Lovely restoration. Get yourself a JDM Nissan part. There are reproductions out there, but the feet and fixings are all wrong and the way its bent isn't right. Why spend $200 on a repro from Ebay, when you can have an original!

$200 plus $25 shipping from UK. Shipped with insurance and tracked.

To buy, ship and do all the work on this, gives me very little in the price I am selling at. I just love doing them. The footrests in Japan are rising in value, and its not worth buying anymore, so this is the last I am doing.

Any questions, drop us a line.



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