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78 280Z Throttle Body Spring and "Washer"

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78 280Z Throttle Body Spring and "Washer"

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  • $1 WANTED
  • Offered by: ea6driver
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Want to buy the two parts identified by the black arrows in the attached photo. The first part is the throttle position return spring (the larger spring in the photo). It attaches to the throttle linkage at one end and to a bracket at the bottom of the throttle body at the other end. The second part is a "washer" looking part that is located at both ends of the smaller spring when it's attached to the throttle body "axle". Thanks!

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I still have these parts off a throttle body. I was not sure what year it came off of but Capitan Obvious seem to think they would work and he knows a lot more about the EFI parts than I do. 

I think the springs, the collars and pin would be what you're after. I see two of the collars and a center hollow pin for the "axle" part you mentioned. 

Let me know if you have any interest. 





Hi Terrapin Z,

Thank you so much for responding to my request...I'm interested...

The parts that I need the most are the longer throttle return spring and one of the collared washers that installs alongside the smaller spring.  I'd also be interested in the plastic (I think) sleeve piece that installs inside the larger spring...since mine has long since deteriorated.

If you'd instead prefer to sell all the parts together, I understand that too. Just let me know.

Again, thank you!


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