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Restored 240Z Side Markers
Restored 240Z Side Markers
- $265 FOR SALE
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- Item Condition USED
- Quantity 1
Original equipment IKI 5004 lamp bodies and lenses. Completely disassembled, bodies commercially replated in clear zinc, lenses cleaned and polished to a like-new finish – no cracks or scratches. Stainless steel bezels polished to a chrome-like finish. OE wiring with new shrinkwrap, new incandescent bulbs, new fender clips. This set has new reproduction rubber mounting adapters. Bullet terminals for the front and rear light ground wires will be configured per buyer’s specifications. Some 240Z’s had a female ground terminal, some had a male ground terminal. The set of four lights is $265. Standard domestic shipping is included, foreign shipping available at actual cost. Payment via PayPal, PM if interested. Thanks.
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