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240z Suspension, seats, etc.

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240z Suspension, seats, etc.

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  • Offered by: bingo
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I have some random 240z parts just taking space in my garage, pm me if interested.

  • Front suspension arms, great condition, Moog ball joints and poly bushings with around 5000 miles -  $140
  • Rear suspension arms, great condition, outer poly bushings with around 5000 miles, includes original bolt in usable condition with tapered bolt - $120
  • Seats - $100 for the pair
  • Fuel rail, insulated and in great shape - $150
  • Stock spare, old not great condition - no idea
  • Crank scraper (up stroke only) $50 I have 2x
  • 240z block - $25
  • 280z pistons and rods $100
  • 280z crank (needs to be ground, but believed to be structurally good) $50 
  • 240z cam oiler (rear shaft is loose and would need to be repaired) $25
  • 280z pistons $50
  • 240z valves, valve springs, and the spacer at the top (can't remember the name, but they are the originals that are bored to fit the valve stem and retainer) $75
  • 260z (later) strut housings front and rear $500 firm on price, I was keeping them to do coil overs off of the car, but would sell if the price is right
  • 1x 280z hub $40
  • 1x 240z hub $40
  • Rear stub shafts $100
  • Rear brake backing plates... no drums $75
  • Partial oil pan (piece cut out for extended oil pan - could be used with some sheet metal to make another extra capacity oil pan) - $20

All prices are OBO and don't include shipping, happy to provide pics, let me know what you want pics of and I will post/send. Also would be willing to trade for a 240z roof (without a sunroof), dash cap, rocker panels(outside), vintage wood steering wheel (14"), crappy stock steering wheel that I can make into a 14" wheel without feeling bad about it. All parts are in the Salt Lake City area in Utah.



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do you have 240z seat rails? I need both sides.



yes I do, both are in good working condition but the plastic lever/knob is missing on one and broken on the other.

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in what condition are the seats?



IMG_3877.JPGIMG_3876.JPGIMG_3875.JPG here are some pics of the seats. Backs are great, fronts are good and poor as can be seen in the pics.

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They look better than the ones in the car I'm restoring. Id like to buy them.



Do you need them shipped or will you pick them up? Do you need the seat rails with the seats or just the seats?

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Sorry for the delay. I don't seem to get notifications from this site when there is a response. It looks like you live in Utah, and I'm in Virginia so I will need them shipped. I would like the rails as well. I'm new to this site so I don't know all the guidelines, but if we should take it to direct email for coordinating the payment and shipping details that is fine. My email is tlemaster1999@yahoo.com.



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